Teaching Sam and Scout

Buying / Trying / Reading / Watching with Liz from All Kinds of Things

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Please welcome my real life friend and fellow blogger, Liz, to the blog today!!

Liz is the mom to two adorable little boys with a baby girl on the way.  She blogs at All Kinds of Things about everything from consigning and cooking to homeschooling and faith – basically all kinds of things ;). Plus, she is HILARIOUS, and I love how she speaks her mind and tells it like it is!  Especially if you are a mama, you’ve got to check her out!!

Now, on to her list…

Buying – We are currently looking forward to the arrival of baby #3 – our first baby girl! Right now, we are shopping for furniture for her room! I already have her first Easter dress, but picking out her crib is a completely different thing. Why were these decisions so much easier with boys? Wish me luck!

Trying – You know how you scroll through your Pinterest feed and pin…and pin…and pin…and pin? I am absolutely determined to actually try some of the amazing pins that I’ve added to my recipe board! I have found so many amazing [yet still doable] recipes that I know my family would love. The pasta salads? The summer desserts? I am going to make them happen…well at least a few of them anyway!

So far so good… From yesterday’s blog post

Reading – After allowing it to sit in my Amazon cart for oh, about three years or so, I finally ordered Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic. If you have never read this little gem, you must, and then you need to turn right around and buy it for every young mama you know!  I have a number of books sitting on my nightstand waiting to be read, and I am determined to tackle them before our baby girl arrives! Next in the stack? The Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner – I have heard such great things about this book, and I am looking forward to diving in soon!

Watching – During my first trimester, hubby and I spent a lot of time watching On Demand episodes of 48 HoursDateline, and American Greed. This eventually started to become an issue – leading to odd nightmares that I would prefer to forget. I quickly realized that we needed to find something a little lighter with which to occupy our time – and that is when we fell in love with Fixer Upper! Hubby and I are obsessed with watching episodes of this show! Are a fan?  If you are not recording it on your DVR, I would highly suggest that you start~ Chip and Joanna are just the cutest, and their renovations are home runs every single time!

Thanks Liz!

Find her: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest / BlogLovin’

BY THE WAY, tomorrow is the middle of the month so Heather and I are back with more Mid-Month Confessions!! Please plan to check back here for a glimpse into my mess 😉 and share your own confessions by linking up with us!!  See you then!

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