Teaching Sam and Scout

February 2015 Confessions

Happy Monday friends! I hope you all had a lovely Valentine’s weekend! I’m having a SNOW DAY (finally) today, and we’re expecting LOTS of snow over the next 36 hours… We’re all stocked for several days of hot chocolate, crockpot macaroni and cheese, and washing baby things. Life is good. 🙂

Today, Heather and I are excited to kick off the week with a little “dirty laundry” if you will… That’s right, it’s time for Mid-Month Confessions again…

We’d love to have you link up some snippets of your “non-highlight reel” below so you can connect with other women and moms and feel a little less alone in your mess. 🙂

Here are mine:

– I get up really early (like 5ish) and have breakfast shortly thereafter. So, by mid-morning I’m pretty darn hungry.  Lately, this hunger has turned ravenous, and I can barely make it to lunch time (which is only 11AM, mind you).  A few days ago, I totally heated up leftover tortellini and italian sausage pasta to eat between classes at 9:30 in the morning.

– One day last week I wore black maternity leggings to work all day, slept in them, and then wore them to school the next day too.  It happens. #maternityproblems #luckyIdidntgotothegymtoo

– The copy machine in our school is in an entirely different building from my classroom and up several flights of stairs. Literally every afternoon I convince myself that I will come in early the next day to make copies for my classes and do it in the morning when I’m not as tired/ready to go home.  Then, like clockwork, every.single.morning I run late and have to race around like a crazy person trying to get my copies made before class starts.  When will I learn?

– I’ve NEVER cut Sam’s toenails.  They get done, but either Jeff or our sitter does them every time. What can I say, I know my strengths.

– Despite my “busy” life, I somehow make time to go to Target every week – sometimes multiple times a week. (Ours is getting a Starbucks soon and my excitement about it is only rivaled by my upcoming due date. No joke.)

Now it’s your turn! Here’s a button for you to grab (designed by Tricia Nae) if you’re writing your own blog post and space to enter your link below.  I can’t wait to see what you guys have been up to this month!! (Check out Heather’s confessions here!)

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