Teaching Sam and Scout

Good Reads for Good Friday

I wrote a whole “High Five for Friday” post for today (full of really exciting things like Sam’s double ear infection and some really adorable prints on sale at Zulily), and then I remembered that it’s Good Friday, and it just felt… Weird.

I have to be honest and tell you that Good Friday always feels like a bit of paradox to me… By Christian tradition, it is the day we mourn Jesus’s physical death and the torture he suffered for us on the cross.  It isn’t a happy day at all. BUT, the truth is, I’m not particularly good at mourning… I am usually a “glass half full” kind of girl; and, it always seems much easier to focus on the really great things this season – like the sunshine and the fact that Spring Break starts today, and the BEAUTIFUL end to the Easter story on Sunday – rather than sitting in the suffering and sadness of Good Friday. It’s really hard for me.

BUT, I do think it’s important.  I think I need to fully FEEL the weight of my sin today, so that I can fully CELEBRATE my freedom from it on Sunday, you know?  And, in so many ways, my faith is about living in that paradox all the time…

So, for a bit, I’m trying to sit there – at the foot of the cross like, I imagine, Jesus’s poor mom did so many years ago today.  I’m planning to spend some time reading the story of the crucifixion this afternoon, and maybe watching The Passion with Jeff after Sam goes to bed tonight… What about you?  How do you honor Good Friday?

Are you, like me, having trouble going there today? If so, here are some good words from around the internet for your Good Friday: 

“When You’re Tired of Being Torn: Why He Came” from Ann Voskamp

“Holy Land – the Upper Room and His Prayer for You There” from Lisa TerKeurst

“How to Talk to Little Kids about the Crucifixion” from Kendra at Catholic All Year

“How to Get Out of a Rut (a Holy Week Approach that Reaches Beyond Holy Week) from Sara at Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet

“Easter Verses” (a sweet family tradition in place of Easter Baskets) from Emily at The Anderson Crew

Have a great Easter weekend! See you on Monday!


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