Teaching Sam and Scout

Six Months

As of yesterday, Nora is six months old. Recently, I read back through all of my old blog posts and monthly updates when Sam was a baby and felt guilty for not keeping up with that for Nora. Speaking in strictly generalizations, I think a daughter would appreciate that record of important milestones and her mama’s heart even more than a son; but, well, #secondchildproblems. I’m sorry baby girl.

What she misses out on in baby books and blog content, we make up for by having an extra person around to entertain and love on her. Sam absolutely ADORES Nora. I keep thinking that the novelty will wear off eventually, but so far it hasn’t. She is always the first person he goes to when he wakes up in the morning or comes home from school in the afternoon. He wants her to go everywhere he goes and is SO proud to introduce her to his friends and teachers. If we let him, he would hold her, and tickle her, and kiss her chubby little cheeks all day, and Nora 100% eats it up… The other night I put her in a bouncy seat near Sam while he played cars and I made dinner. She sat there happy as a june bug just watching him and every so often I heard him talking to her and her giggling and blowing bubbles with her tongue (she does that ALL the time) right back at him. I decided that’s why people decide to have three/four/five kids – because seeing them play and laugh together makes you absolutely drunk with joy. It also makes the second kid A LOT easier to keep busy and content.

Thanks to brother’s tender pet-naming, Nora is now “Nori” most of the time. I never saw that coming as a nick-name, but we love it*, and it’s probably a good thing because I’ve seen about 37 Facebook friends have babies named Nora in the last six months. #trendsetters #notreally #itwasalreadycool

Speaking of names, she absolutely is a light in our family. I often joke that she literally can’t resist smiling – even in the middle of a crying fit, if someone smiles at her, she simply MUST stop and smile back. It’s precious. She, of course, has her fussy days, but she is mostly happy. She grins at strangers wherever we go, and it isn’t hard at all to get a good laugh out of her. She’s also quite the singer/talker lately, even saying “Da-Da” occasionally these day (at least according to Jeff).

Kicking, rolling, grabbing, etc. – This girl moves all.the.time. She’s not sitting on her own quite yet, but it won’t be long, and I have a feeling crawling won’t be far behind that. She’s got to keep up with her brother after all. #hideallthelegos

I know it is cliche to say, but this has seriously been the fastest six months of my life. Yesterday at the doctor, as he was talking to me about feeding her solid food and teaching her how to drink from a cup, I just kept thinking “surely he isn’t talking about my tiny newborn baby there…” I can’t believe a half a year has passed. It really feels like I was JUST pregnant with her.  Of course, at the same time, it’s hard to remember what our life was like without her. Isn’t time weird like that?

I can’t wait to see what the next six months bring!


*I also didn’t know that “Nori” is Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s baby’s nickname until my much-cooler-than-me mom told me so. But, oh well, we don’t really run in the same circles. 😉

P.S. Today is my wonderful mom’s birthday!!! If I am half as beautiful and cool (see above), as good a teacher, and as awesome a mom/grandma in 25 years as she is now, I’ll consider my life a success! I love you Mom-Girl!


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