Teaching Sam and Scout

Where I’ve Been…

I last wrote here two weeks ago as we were preparing for Nora’s 2nd Birthday Berry Brunch… If you follow me on Instagram, you know now that though the party went off without a hitch, a playground accident right afterwards had us spending our Sunday (my birthday) with Nora in the emergency room, operating room, and – ultimately – at home in a “full body” spica cast to heal a broken femur. (Yes, you read that right: it happened on Saturday afternoon, and we didn’t know until Sunday. My girl is TOUGH.)

As you can imagine, things have been hectic around here since then. Life definitely threw us some lemons, but we are surviving and making sweet lemonade as best we can. 🙂

I want to share more and hope to tell the whole story / answer some of your questions in the next few days; but, in the meantime, I thought I’d at least pop in and let you know I’m still alive (barely). We have been incredibly well taken care of by family and friends, and Nora is adjusting to the cast SO well.

2017… We are only three months in and, already, you are one for the books…

I don’t mean that as a compliment. 😉

More soon,


P.S. If you have specific questions about the cast etc. feel free to leave them here. ALSO, if you have experience with a toddler in a spica cast and/or a broken femur, I’m ALL EARS!!!

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