Teaching Sam and Scout

Working Mom Day 11: Amanda

Day 11 - Amanda

Good Saturday morning to you friends!  Today, Amanda from Alabama is sharing a bit about her life as a middle school history teacher, wife, and mom to two-year-old Lucy (their miracle baby after a 4-year long struggle with infertility).

1. What is your typical day like?

I am up by 4:30 am. My husband and daughter leave at 5:00 am and I am at work by 6:15am. I work until 3:30 pm or 4:00 pm.  Then, I am home for family time, cooking dinner, bath and bed!

2. Why do you work?

Quite honestly, I work because our household needs the income. I love my job and am very blessed to have the hours and schedule I do, but I would truly love nothing more than to be home with by baby. (I know SO many moms feel this way, but you seem to have a great attitude about the place you are in right now!)

3. What’s the best thing about being a working mom?  What’s the worst or hardest thing?

The best thing about being a working mom is having an impact on young people everyday. My job is very fulfilling and I enjoy being recognized for my God-given abilities to teach and lead. I also like being able to contribute to my household financially.

The worst thing about being a working mom is leaving my baby everyday! I am very blessed that my mom cares for her, but I still feel like I am missing on important moments. Also, it is so hard trying to keep everything organized. If I am ahead at home, then I am behind at work and vice versa.  It is hard to have given so much at work and then come home and give to a toddler and my husband.  I feel like I am shortchanging someone all the time. (YES. This is perfectly put. I often feel that exact same way. So hard.)

4. What items or tips do you recommend to help “make it work”?

Don’t try to be superwoman! I would not be able to “make it work” without my husband. He is truly my partner and together we try and hold it together. Also, don’t be afraid to say no! I am slowly learning to say no more often. Guess what? People understand and don’t think less of you! Some weeks I have to say no at home and to others at work. It is all about prioritizing.

5. What encouragement, scripture, etc. has been important in your life and might be meaningful to another working mom? 

The best advice I can offer is to do what works for your family! Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, because we all have challenges.  No one is perfect! Try and find support and encouragement from other working mothers whether in your church or neighborhood. It is hard sometimes because we moms tend to judge each other, but there is someone out there that can relate! (I totally agree. Community has been so important to me as a working mom and just knowing I am understood.)

Thanks Amanda!!

Hope you all enjoy your weekend!

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