Teaching Sam and Scout

Introducing Sam & Scout

No, I’m not pregnant.

(You’d be amazed how many people thought I was when I told them the title of my new blog.  To be fair, I’d name a baby “Scout” in a hot second, but Jeff would never go for it.) Some day I will, hopefully, be pregnant again; but, for now, a blog will have to do instead…

Now that that’s out of the way… WELCOME! 

Today is my 30th birthday (woohoo!!), and I’m kicking off the new decade, with a brand new blog.  Friends, meet Teaching Sam & Scout:

As you know, E, Myself, and I has been my internet home for the past almost five years; but, after some unfortunate domain expiration issues (oops) that forced me to take some risks and make some changes, I’ve decided to start fresh with a new name, new design, new focus, and – most importantly – new passion.

As the “tagline” says, Sam & Scout is about “attempting to juggle motherhood and teaching” – two roles I feel very-much called to – “with passion, purpose, and a little bit of style.” I will be blogging regularly here about the joys and challenges of being a working mom, my favorite things, my tips for staying organized at home and at school, what I’m wearing (I know, brace yourselves for awkward photos), and what’s on my heart.  I’ll also be sharing more classroom resources and ideas for secondary English teachers!

As for the title… “Sam” is the name of my little boy – a wild-haired, wild-spirited toddler – but it represents my job as a mom.  (Yes, we plan to have more kids; and, when we do, “Sam” will still symbolize that realm of my life.) EDITED TO ADD: We welcomed our girl Nora Kent on March 23rd, 2015.  So far, she hasn’t said anything about her name not being in my blog title. 😉

“Scout” is a little trickier… Scout Finch is the main character of my favorite novel To Kill a Mockingbird (we might also kind-of lookalike, but that’s neither here nor there).  So, “teaching Scout” represents my role as a high school English teacher. (Incidentally, although I love the book, I’ve never actually taught To Kill a Mockingbird to actual students – it’s traditionally an eighth grade book.  Like “Sam,” “Scout” is just one name to symbolize lots of different books and lessons I teach in the classroom.)

Make sense?


So, to be clear,  I’m well aware that making this kind-of change (new name, domain, etc.) is like committing blog-suicide (right up there with, say, giving your blog a title that needs two paragraphs to explain); but, I’m really excited about what the future holds for me – for us – in this new home.  THANK YOU for being here!!

Will you please take a minute and introduce yourself in the comments so I don’t feel awkward?  I would LOVE to know what roles you are juggling right now and what kinds of things you’d like to see us chat about here…  Come on, don’t be shy!

Again, thanks for starting this new journey with me! – E


You can read more about me (50 random facts actually), my intention for this space, and what you can expect to see here in the future, by checking out the About page now.  Also, you’ll find some of my favorite posts from E, Myself, and I reprinted below… New content to begin tomorrow!!

P.S. A HUGE shout-out to my sweet friend Erika, for the awesome new blog design and the hours of her life she will never get back spent reading (and responding to) emails from me. 😉

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