Teaching Sam and Scout

It Was Me All Along by Andie Mitchell


This book wasn’t even on my radar a month ago, but it seemed to just jump out at me (first in People Magazine and then – it seemed – everywhere else), and I was intrigued.

It Was Me All Along is the true story of food blogger (you know how I love bloggers’ books) Andie Mitchell and her journey of weight-loss, overcoming food addiction, and learning to love herself.

Here’s the summary on Amazon:

It was good.  Powerful.  Inspiring.  Not only did I relate to a lot of Andie’s issues with food/weight; but, even more, I found this to be a story about growing up, self-discovery, and love.  Kind-of an Eat, Pray, Love with a blogger’s voice and a weight-loss twist. 😉

Being about the same age as Andie, I loved following her through childhood, high school, college, and young adulthood and – though our lives were/are extremely different – I found much of my own story in hers.  Her writing is relatable and real.  Her story feels genuine.

Overall, the book is motivational, entertaining, and easy to read.  I read it on the treadmill (go figure) in just a couple of days. I’d rate it an 8/10 and recommend it highly – especially if this is a topic that interests you.

I’m also excited to have found a new blog to read (hers) – Can You Stay for Dinner? – but am disappointed to report that it hasn’t been updated since her book released on January 5th.  Come back Andie! Thankfully, the archives are good and have kept me sufficiently fulfilled since finishing the book. 🙂

Has anyone else read this one yet?  What did you think?  

What are you reading currently? (This one and this one are in my line-up, but I’m kind-of craving some new fiction… Any suggestions?)


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