Teaching Sam and Scout

January 2016 Confessions

Happy Friday and happy Mid-Month!! Heather and I are back for the new year sharing our deepest, darkest secrets confessions on the 15th (or so) of every month. We’ve decided to cut out the link-up, but we’d still love to hear what cringe-worthy things you’ve done lately in the comments. So, without further adieu:

In addition to sporting a Clemson sweatshirt with dress pants to work on Monday myself, I literally forced Sam to wear his only Clemson shirt (an oversized t-shirt that he has been sleeping in for two years and has obvious stains on it – the fact that that’s all the Clemson gear he has is a confession in and of itself) to school. He might have cried when I told him that’s what he was wearing, and I made him do it anyway. (I, appropriately, paired it with oversized sweat pants; and he accessorized with a black eye courtesy of a table-incident at church on Sunday. He looked totally tough.)

Yesterday, the shirt I put on to wear to work was extremely static-y. I was running late (imagine that!), so I made the quick decision to spray my body with hair spray. (Where did that idea come from? Is it supposed to help with static? I don’t know!) For the record: It did NOT work, and my blouse had little wet mark stains ALL over it.

I don’t wash my face before bed. Like, ever.

Nora has been on an antibiotic for the last week for an ear infection. Giving her the medicine has been such a miserable ordeal that I have sincerely considered, at least once every day, just not giving her the medicine any more and taking my chances. What kind of mother considers that? #Ididitanyway #dontworry #almostdone

And there you have it. As hot-mess as ever.

Until next (mid)month,


(P.S. Yesterday’s post was basically one big confession. Read it here if you missed it, and thank you to everyone who has left such kind and encouraging comments for me this week. This post seemed to resonate with a lot of you too. I love us.)

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