Teaching Sam and Scout

My Own “Three Things” Christmas Wish List

Another week, another “gift list.” (I’m still not tired of these on all my favorite blogs, so I hope you aren’t either!)

I told you last week what my kids are getting for Christmas and how we “do” gifts, so today – just for fun – I thought I’d share my own little wish list of three things. To be clear, I’m asking Santa for these, which means there’s a 99% chance I won’t get them*; but a girl can dream, right?!

So, without further adieu…

Leopard Tieks – One of these days I’m going to blog about my Tieks, but for now, you should just know that these will be on every Wish List I make from here on out in every color/pattern available. As for this year, I actually wear my leopard print flats (from Target) more than any other shoe I own I think, so I may as well have them in the most comfortable style possible, right?

Longchamp ‘Le Pliage’ Backpack – For years I’ve been adamantly against backpacks on non-school-attending grown women, but with two kids, I’m now ALL about anything that helps me be hands free. Also, I love Longchamp. I carried one of their purses for years before I had kids but surrendered it during the diaper bag/#allthethings stages. This seems like the perfect compromise.

Goodnight Macaroon Sweater – Have you guys seen this sweater yet? Apparently, the internet is blowing up over it, and every blogger claims it is the “BEST SWEATER EVER.” How can I possibly not want one for myself?!?

… and just a few little stocking stuffers 😉

Metallic Leather iPhone Case w/ Pocket – I’ve been carrying a leather iPhone wallet for almost a year now, and – though some of the cute cases are super tempting – I don’t think I can ever go back. The convenience of having my phone, id, credit card, and library card (#yesitstrue #booknerd) all in one place is just too good. That said, mine is pretty beat up now, and the flip case is a little annoying – especially when it comes to taking photos; plus, this one is metallic gold. (I think it can be monogrammed too. Swoon!)

 Crispin Drop Earrings – I have no where to wear these, but they are so fun!

Bare Minerals Tinted Moisturizer – I’ve been searching for the perfect coverage – not too sheer but not too cakey either – for a long time, and the professional that did my makeup for a wedding recently recommended this one. I’ve seen several beauty bloggers mention it too, so I’m sold. (This is another thing that’s come full circle for me: I started wearing makeup with Bare Minerals back when they only sold loose powder. I, ultimately, stopped because I got sick of the powder. They’ve come a long way!)

 Sunglasses – I wear sunglasses every.single.time I am outside regardless of the season, so I figure it’s time to “invest” in a decent pair (and stop letting Nora toss them around like she owns the place)

Swell Water Bottle – I’m late to the party on this trend (as usual); and, let’s be honest, I really just love the wood-grained pattern, but whatever. This is the Yeti of water bottles, right?

There ya go. If I’m on your Christmas shopping list, you should be all set! 😉

*I will actually be getting a new screen for my phone because I dropped and shattered it last week. #adultingishard


P.S. I’ve been working really hard to curate the PERFECT GIFT BASKET FOR TEACHERS, and I’m going to be sharing it + GIVING ONE AWAY later this week. Stay tuned and start thinking of a deserving teacher (or yourself) you can enter to win!!! (Sneak peek here.)

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