Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday! We ended up spending the (cold) morning at home in our pjs drinking coffee, and the afternoon/evening eating tons of good food and hanging out with our families. It was the best.
Today I’m opting for pjs over crowds (again) and doing my official Black Friday shopping online. I have a strict rule that I can only buy for others this time of year, but if I was shopping for myself, here’s what I’d be ordering… (P.S. I’ve been slowly adding to this post – in between decorating, etc. – ALL day… Some of these things might be/ probably are already sold out by now!)
I’ve had my eye on this sweater for MONTHS, and it is finally marked down 50% – making in only $49.00.
They had me at “Elbow Patch and Stripe” plus I love the two-toned look and I think the side button might actually make it fit over my belly. #wishfulthinking? (Marked down to $44 from $88.)
In case you couldn’t tell from the opening of this post, I love some cozy pajamas. I think it will still be cold enough to wear these when baby comes in March and the button-style top would make nursing super convenient. (Marked down to $44 from $88.)
I’m totally into this layered look – especially because it makes a sweatshirt look appropriate for work. Right? (40% off of $49.99.)
I’m definitely into the “statement t-shirt” this year, and I love the heart behind these two girls’ blogs and business. (30% off of $24.00 with code HAPPYMOMMYBLACKFRIDAY.)
I can never resist a cute hoodie… Especially one on sale for only $30.
So cute I might actually go for a jog once in a while. 😉 (20% off of $65.00 with code FIT20 – and not in my size.)
What kind of deals did you find today? Did you buy anything for yourself?!? I might have cheated on one teeny tiny thing. 😉
Happy Weekend!
I am sitting here in shock that $88 pajamas exist. WHY?!?!