Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!
Don’t forget – teachers get a free sandwich at participating (call ahead) Chickfilas today, and BOGO burritos/salads/bowls/tacos at Chipotle.  Whip out that teacher id with pride friends! You deserve two “fast food” meals in one day! 🙂
Today, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day (and Teaching Tuesday), I’m sharing a few of my favorite blogs for secondary teachers… To be honest though, one of the reasons that I’ve started posting more resources and teaching ideas on my blog is because there really aren’t that many for secondary teachers (and a lot of the ones that are available are super tech-y and just plain boring #sorrybutitstrue).  My guess is that this because most of us are simply too swamped grading papers, remediating, and sponsoring school clubs to maintain a blog (priorities people!); but, thankfully, there are a few excellent ones out there if you look hard enough!!
Let’s do this, shall we?
In no particular order…
Love, Teach – I’m pretty sure “Teach” and I could be BFFs in real life (of course, she’d probably have to share her real name with me at some point).  This is a relatively new blog-find for me, but I have quickly become hooked.  She is hilarious, sentimental, and loves a good cardigan. Really, what more could I ask for (except maybe more frequent posts)?!?
Eat.Write.Teach is one of the first teacher-blogs I ever read. Stephanie isn’t blogging as much anymore (where are you girl?!?), but be sure to check out her archives for awesome series on classroom organization, etc.
Teach 4 the Heart is written by Linda Kardamis – a former teacher currently staying home to teach her own young kids – that focuses on the ministry of teaching and parenting and aims to “encourage and equip fellow teachers and parents [to] effectively impact the next generation.”  I LOVE this blog.  Pretty much every post is a lightbulb moment for me!! **She has an awesome Classroom Management course available too. Sign up here! *Affiliate link
SimplyNovelTeachers.com provides just what it says it does – ideas, tips, and tools for secondary English and Language Arts teachers.  It is a “no fluff” blog JAM PACKED with resources!
The Skeptical Pioneer is Michael Godsey’s blog. I found him through his very popular Serial Lesson Plans, and I love his teaching style!
The Cornerstone  isn’t just for secondary teachers, but it is FULL of great resources for ALL of us. Join her 40-Hour Work Week club, scroll through TONS of free resources, or check out one of her awesome courses.
Cult of Pedagogy is a blog for all teachers regardless of grade level or subject. The author, Jennifer Gonzalez, taught middle school language arts for seven years before leaving the classroom to be a stay-at-home mom. She works with pre-service teachers at a local university and runs this blog – an excellent resource on the art and craft of teaching – now.
That’s all I have for now, but I’d love to keep this list up-to-date as much as possible. If you write a blog for secondary teachers who have a favorite I’ve forgotten, please email me (samandscoutblog@gmail.com) and share it!  I’d love to keep this list as up-to-date and inclusive as possible!
Have a good one!
Love, Teach has been one of my favorite reads for YEARS!! She never ceases to crack me up!!!
It takes a very special person to be a teacher. So thankful for teachers like you who are so passionate about their jobs and love seeing others learn and be impacted.
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!!
x Dani
Thank you! You’re right–good teacher blogs are so hard to find. I just checked out Love, Teach and it looks great.
Whoa! Thanks for linking to Those Who Can, Teach! Diggin’ into your blog right now. You inspired me to do a similar share-my-favorite-blogs type post!
My new website:
Wonderful resources! The explosion of blogs is a real boon for busy and harried teachers. So much helpful sharing. Here’s a suggestion for another blog: https://feltopiapress.blogspot.com/
So…Those Who Can, Teach…the link now goes straight to a porn site. I found out…at work *laughs uncomfortably* so I thought I’d let you know in case you wanted to remove it.