Happy Friday morning friends. First, THANK YOU for the feedback on my survey and giveaway yesterday (if you missed it, click here). I was wrong when I said that it wasn’t smart to give a Reader Survey in the middle of a blog dry spell… It actually is GREAT motivation. You guys were so encouraging and left some really positive/helpful criticism (I’ve been thinking about a lot of the things you said and may try to respond to some in a post soon) and really good ideas for new posts that I’m excited to get to work on… As always, you are the BEST!
On that note, I really don’t have anything fancy to say today, just thought I’d check in with a quick update… (EDITED TO ADD: Oops, this didn’t end up being all that “quick” at all. Ha!)
Many of you asked how I am adjusting to being back at work with two kids. The short answer is: so far so good.
As you know, I really love my job / my students / etc., so that always makes being at work easier. Since I teach the same group of kids for three years in a row, I only have that awkward “figuring each other out” stage with my incoming freshmen, and that has gone surprisingly smooth and quick this year. My sophomores and juniors change so much over the summer; it’s fun to catch up with them and jump right into fun projects, book discussions, etc. The classroom is “my element,” and it feels good to be here doing something I like and feel “good at” most days.
My being back at work also brings a rhythm and structure to our lives at home that is good for all of us. I’ve been making dinner more often (instead of deciding at 6:30PM that we should just go out), getting to bed a little earlier (usually around 10 or 10:30), and being more intentional about spending time with Jeff, Sam, and Nora (like letting Nora nap in my arms while Sam plays at the park). I think, in general, we have less going on in the afternoons/evenings than we do in the summer, and there is less pressure to “fill” our down time. I like that.
Of course, there is another side to all those flowers and rainbows… Mainly, I am TIRED. Nora isn’t really sleeping great these days – I think it is a combination of sleep regression/ development leaps, teething, and just needing to make up for less “Mommy time” during the day – and my days start really early (usually about 5:30AM) and don’t really slow down until after both kids are in bed about 9. The list of “must do”s is long, and I feel like one night of not loading the dishwasher after dinner or picking up toys before bed makes the whole cart tip over FAST. There is also a monotony to our evenings that, while sometimes comforting, can be hard. Dinner – Clean-up – Baths – Bottle – Books – Bed – More Cleaning Up – Pack Lunches and Bags – Make Coffee – Pump – Fill Bottles. It is easily 10PM before I know it and I haven’t had one minute to exercise, read (much less write) a blog post, respond to emails, watch a show on Netflix, fill in the blank…
All that said, I don’t notice a huge difference from one to two kids in terms of busyness, stress, etc. Sure, there are more things that need to be done (like pumping and fixing bottles), more middle-of-the-night wake up calls, more laundry to (not) do, and more time that Sam spends watching shows (at least one of us gets to) or using the iPad than I’m proud of, but life with kids is just busy. Period. I know the blog world is over using the word busy, but there just isn’t a better way to put it. I, literally, don’t remember what life was like before Nora. Isn’t it crazy how our minds do that?!?

My girl – 5 months old
Our weekends are, by design, slower. Jeff often lets me sleep in at least one of the mornings, we’ve been having big breakfasts together, drinking coffee while we play on the floor, and staying in our pjs for a while. I’ve spent the last two Saturdays giving the house a good top-to-bottom clean while Jeff and the kids do something fun – which makes me feel guilty/sad, but is also REALLY good for my mental health and the health of our family during the week. We usually see friends or family for dinner Saturday night, and Sundays are for church, resting, grocery shopping, and planning for the week. The weekends go entirely too fast, but, so far, I’ve been able to start the week feeling pretty refreshed and caught-up (enough).
I’m excited that this is a three-day weekend, and we don’t have many plans. Tomorrow we will watch the Clemson game (woot woot) with a new/old friend and her family that moved to our area recently, and Saturday night we are having dinner at another friend’s house. Other than that, I plan to clean out both kids’ closets to get rid of things that are too small or out of season and get ready for a few upcoming consignment sales, take a long walk, maybe go to the pool, and finish reading Better Than Before.
What are your plans for this weekend?
What’s your normal life like these days? Teachers, how has the adjustment back to school been for you so far?
I’d LOVE to hear from you in the comments!
Have a great weekend!
P.S. Don’t forget to enter my Back-to-School Giveaway here!
I was so glad to hear you talk about how life has been going back to work with two little ones. Since we’ll have our second in January (my oldest boy has just-turned three), I’m super impressed, and it makes me feel like I can totally handle this two kids thing. 🙂 Thanks!
Fun FIlled Weekend ahead with parties here at the Jersey Shore…Lobster Bakes and Pig Roasts mainly 🙂 And Prosecco and Cousins:) Basically all the good things in life in 3 short days. So happy your sticking with your way of doing this blog and just brain dumping your days and thoughts – it makes its real and eager for me to comment and discuss.
On an unrelated note, as a long time Stitch Fix shopper, I’ve been disappointed lately with their offerings and told them so. I tried TrendSend through EverEve and LOVE IT! Maybe a bit more $$ than SF, but you don’t have a styling fee and you get 7-8 pieces of clothing and 2 accessories. My first box, I felt like they were spot on. Also, anything you don’t like, just fill the provided USPS bag and toss in your mailbox. Give it a try.
Heading off to the grandparents for some R&R for all of us…maybe even *gasp* a date night for mommy and daddy?!
School hasn’t started yet up here, and this is a long overdue trip to end things right before my daughter starts public pre-k
This read like a page out of my book when my 1 year-old was 3-5 months old and not sleeping great and I still had a toddler to keep pace with, yet my days were starting at 5:30. Hang in there!
I’m also really loving being back at school. I really get what you’re saying–I love my students, I love teaching, and I love the feeling of doing something so useful and meaningful every day. I’ll be on maternity leave this spring, and part of me can’t stop thinking about everything I’ll miss at school. Of course, I expect I’ll have plenty of new things to occupy my time, too…
It’s so great to read about your first weeks back in a routine!
I teach 10th graders and I’m in grad school. (I only realized just how crazy doing both at the same time is last week…don’t mind me.) The transition back to school has been ROUGH. I was telling my husband on Thursday night that I feel like I’m spinning my wheels deeper into mud and not getting anywhere. I’m always doing something, but it’s frustrating to see how little I actually accomplish. I’m trying to find a new “normal” and a rewarding routine but I’m just not there yet. I know it will get better, but my brain is fried and I feel a bit all over the place. I also feel like I’m neglecting my husband and our home but I’m just praying things will settle down in a few weeks.
My question for you… how do you ever find time to grade papers?!
I have been really struggling with the stress of the back-to-school transition. 🙁 I am in my third trimester, recovering from a cold, and in general feeling very overwhelmed with the demands of school. I’m teaching two preps this year (after several years of just one) and have some really challenging student behaviors I’m struggling to manage. There are a lot of changes at my school (including a new schedule and less planning time during the day) and all of my wonderful co-workers are just as harried and stressed as I am right now. It’s been great to take some time off this weekend, but I’m dreading the return to work in some ways. I have got to get a handle on the stress and work on my positive attitude.