As a teacher, summer has been “over” for a couple of weeks now, but Labor Day and the start of September officially marks the end in most books. So, before I bring out the pumpkins, sweaters, and cozy fall temps, I thought it was only appropriate to give summer an appropriate farewell and look back at some of the fun we had and memories we made…
This really was THE BEST summer. Sam was at such a fun (and, dare I say, easy) age for adventures, travel, etc. We were pretty much two peas in a pod, and got to do SO many great things together. As always, I’m reminded of how blessed I am to have a job that I love that also allows me 2+ months every year to just be MOM. I hope these will be things he will remember and cherish for his whole life – that his childhood will be defined by quality time with people that love him, exploration, play, and JOY.
Here are a few of the highlights from Summer with Sam 2014:
– Sam’s first flight (to Florida for a week with Jeff’s family)
– Looking for shells with Grandma
– Feeding at giraffe at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo
– Lazy days (lots of em) at home
– Snow-cones with friends
– Outdoor movies
– A visit from Courtney & Selah
– Turning three & celebrating with a fire station birthday party
– Sprinklers
– A second beach trip with my family
– Pirate play at Amazement Square in Lynchburg
– Evening walks/runs
– Safari fun at Natural Bridge
– Blueberry picking and creek-playing in Boone
Whew… We were busy, but it was good. So good.
And now, to seal the deal and really welcome fall, here are a couple of photos from Sam’s first day of school (in the three year old class) yesterday —
Seriously, time, WHERE are you going?!?!
What were your summer highlights? What are you most looking forward to about fall?
Awww- what a sweetie! I am so excited for my favorite holiday Halloween! Jen
So adorable! I love the second pic…such personality.
Hope your first weeks back have been good.
Thoughts on my first Days back in the Classroom:
* I dont know about you… but I have NO voice
* Why I am starving… like I could eat entire Thanksgiving meal at 10 am every day
* I totally ordered one of your “suggested” Old Navy outfits and will be rocking it to Back to School Night next week