You know it’s been a busy week when I post two Links & Likes posts back to back. Oops! I had a ROUGH few days at the beginning of the week catching up on piles and piles (and piles and piles) of grading for the end of the semester; but, the good news is that it’s all done now, so I can officially enjoy the snow (we have about a foot and counting, which is still way less than they were predicting) with nothing hanging over my head. Best! I hope you and yours are staying warm and cozy this weekend! Here are a few of my favorites from around the web…
“This Is to You, Working Mom” – this actually made me tear up a little because it hit SO close to home (especially the part about the early morning pumping and feeding), THANK YOU Kelly!! (P.S. Her blog looks pretty awesome all around. I’m a new follower.)
“God, Why Didn’t You Keep My Baby Safe?” – My blog and real life friend Liz (see her guest post from last spring here) and her family received some tough news about their precious baby girl last week. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them and have been so encouraged by their faith and joy in the midst of it.
“Teacher’s Elaborate Adele Parody about Snow Days” – hilarious and quite accurate 😉
“An Upclose Tour of Chip and Joanna Gaines’ Farmhouse” – I drank the Koolaid y’all. I’m obsessed with them. And this house… I can’t even.
How cute are these for containing your earbuds in your purse?
I posted this sweater on my FB page last week. I heart it (pun intended ;))
What a GREAT idea to send to a new mom, a college student during final weeks, or anyone with some kind of ice-cream binge inducing circumstance.
For my fellow planner lovers: I love this Lilly Pulitzer Agenda Bonus Pack! The personalized gold/clear bag is worth the $24 price tag to me, but it also includes three Lilly pens, an eraser, and two sheets of stickers to dress up your planner.
I just ordered these for Nora’s bottles/cups when we go to the gym etc.
A few of you commented on my new dining room chairs in this post, they are from Amazon, and I adore them! (Easy to wipe clean, rubber feet so they don’t scratch the floor, light weight, and a fun color – they also come in black, copper, white, and yellow. They also appear to be on sale right now!!)
I am working on my very first S&S Newsletter to go out towards the end of the month. This will be a quarterly update (I think) where I share what I’m “teaching Sam” – an update on family life, parenting, etc. – and “teaching Scout” – a run-down of what’s happening in my classroom, what units I’m currently teaching, and a freebie lesson/printable. For this first one, I’ll also be randomly selecting a subscriber to win a $25 Starbucks gift card. So…. If you haven’t already, will you please sign up? There’s a handy little form on my sidebar (<—-) or you can do it at this link. Thank you!! (Also, if you have any ideas for anything else you’d like to see in it, please please let me know!)
Don’t forget I also have an Instagram account and a Facebook page for the blog. If you like these Links & Likes posts, you should definitely be following me over there too! I post links to great articles, favorite finds, an occasional out-fit-of-the-day, and more. I’d love to connect with you there!!
Ok. I’m off to spend 45 minutes dressing Sam in 237 layers to play in the snow for 6.8 minutes. 😉 Happy Saturday!
I seriously LOVE these posts and I look forward to them every weekend!
That ecreamery ice cream is so good! My mom nannies for the lady who runs it 🙂
The teacher in the Adele spoof is married to my senior prom date! #smallworld They are adorable! Also, my Sam cried himself to sleep the night Clemson lost 🙁 #passionatefan #yeswelethimstayup