Happy Saturday! Nora woke up early this morning, but she just fell back asleep and my two boys are still snoring, so I’m enjoying a quiet house, hot coffee, and some time to mindlessly peruse the internet… Here are a few good reads/listens & a pile of items sitting in my hypothetical shopping carts around the internet. Go ahead, pour yourself another cup of coffee and enjoy!
I’m loving this new series I found on Mommy Shorts called “Wednesday Evening with Rachel.” Basically, it features a different family each week from around the US and captures the beauty in an ordinary Wednesday night through the lens of a professional lifestyle photographer. It’s an up close and personal glimpse at real families and real life. Totally my jam. (Yes, I just said “my jam.”)
How and why to add watermarks to Instagram photos of your kids. This makes total sense and seems perfectly easy. I’m putting it in my back pocket for my new blog IG account – coming soon!)
Speaking of Instagram, this account is hilarious. This one too.
A style tutorial from the Stitch Fix Blog about how to wear boots with jeans – because I’m still really thinking about breaking all my fashion rules and trying booties, but I’ll need all the help I can get
“The Beauty of a W I D E Family” from Kendra – on age gaps and big families
“Excuse Me, Your Humanity Is Showing” on Coffee + Crumbs – one of the best posts I’ve read on motherhood/parenting in a while. If you read nothing else today, read this one.
I’ve mentioned it before, but I am still LOVING The Mom Hour podcast. Their episodes make me think SO much about parenting, but they don’t stress me out. It’s SO good. Check out “Things We Shouldn’t Have Freaked Out About (As New Moms)” from this week – the first part about breastfeeding/pumping/formula is especially good. If you are a new mom, go listen to this ASAP.
Stephanie Nielsen’s house – “Fox Hill” – is basically my dream. See more photos from a feature on Today.com last month here.
“Long Distance Relationships: 5 Tips on How to Keep Your Friendship Growing” at The Tiny Twig – several of you asked questions about this topic on my survey, and Hayley pretty much stole what I was going to say. 😉
“What Happened to Kids Addressing Adults by Their Last Names?” from The Washington Post – I admit that I’m guilty of using first names usually with Sam, but it’s honestly because that’s what most of my friends prefer. This made me think about it at least.
“How Schools Are Handling an ‘Overparenting’ Crisis” on NPR – I agree with much of this from a teacher perspective, but I realize the challenge from a mom perspective. In fact, just this week Sam turned in an About Me poster for his preschool class, and based on the fact that he keeps asking me why I put certain things on it, I’m fairly certain he told his teacher I did it. (I did a lot, but not all.) #perfectionistparent #thestruggleisreal. Anyway, this is definitely worth reading and discussing. I might even share it with my AP English students to get their take.
Honeybee Tees (I’m forever on the hunt for the perfect t-shirt – for me and my kids. These are ADORABLE. I love their simple and classic style and the fact that we can all three match!)

I LOVE this one for Halloween (cute, not scary)…

And these for my fellow Tiger fans!
I’m a little bit obsessed with everything at Boden right now. Especially this dress (it has birds AND pockets) and this shirt.
I was in Old Navy with my sister yesterday and loved just about everything in their new fall line – plus, it was mostly all 40% off or more. I bought this dress and might go back for another in solid black. Super flattering and only $18.00! Also, they seriously have the best kids’ pjs. Right?
I finally gave up my beloved maternity jeans now that Nora is almost six-months old, so I’m on the market for some new pants. Kendi linked to these this week, and I’m thinking of trying them since I think they’d be good for work and for play… I’m loving military green this season, but I really like the burnt reddish color too. #decisionsdecisions
I think Nora is ready to start sporting some of those cute, trendy tie wrap headbands. My favorite Etsy shop is on Jane.com with them today! (I bought the gray gingham and the coral stripe!)
Speaking of Nora’s style, we’re probably going to need to cover her feet when it starts getting cool out… I’m totally jumping on the moccs train. (Anyone have a favorite – preferably more affordable – brand they recommend? Erika, I’m looking at YOU.)
Alright, time to get the weekend started! My mom is keeping Sam for a few hours so Jeff and I can get some things done around the house (I’ll be decorating for Fall and switching over closets – yay!), then we are celebrating my best friend’s little guy’s 2nd birthday this afternoon/evening. What are your plans? Hope it’s great!
Growing up, my parents taught me to call grown ups “Mr. And Mrs. So and So” and it has stuck with me to this day. My son is only 2 but I think I will probably do the same for him, I just feel it’s a sign of respect. For our close friends, we have compromised and use a little of both, like “Miss Penny” and “Mr. Jim”.
I finally caved and signed up for Stitch Fix! I hope they’ll send me some cute boots now–ha! I’m anxious to get my fix!! You were getting them for awhile, right? Did you ever get anything you really loved?
Happy Weekend!
you summoned?? Haha. So I’ve bought moccs from a variety of random sources- like no-name brands on Amazon, old navy, and her two latest pairs are from Monkey Moccs. Waaaaay cheaper than FP…I’ve never actually owned a “good” brand of moccs (for Millie), so I can’t compare quality…but I’ve been happy with all of these! (We were actually gifted a pair of FP moccs for her bday, but they are still too big so she hasn’t worn them yet. I’m excited to experience them though when they do!!) also thanks for the heads up on that ON dress…I need that!!
I always said I would never wear booties and I bought some last week. I wore them to work the next day and got SO MANY compliments. Needless to say, now I want more and I want to wear them all the time. I think when something new comes out it seems like something I could never pull off but after seeing it enough I realize I actually can be fashionable and pull off things that I think wouldn’t originally work. You should give them a try! 🙂