Another week has come and gone, and we ended ours by driving back to the beach last night. Woohoo!! We’re soaking up the last days of summer (my school year starts on August 17th) with a final week of vacation and fun. This is a quick one today, but still, some good stuff for your morning surf:
“I Was Just Her” – I love so much of what Coffee + Crumbs features, and this is one of my favorites lately.
“How to Make the Best Salads at Home” – good advice since my salads never seem half as good as the ones at a restaurant
“My Big Fat Facebook Photo” – I need to think like this more often
“The Most Undervalued Women in America Are Childless Aunts” – made me think of my sister, and many other amazing “aunts” I know
Skimm the Vote 2016 – This is probably as political as I’m going to get this election season, but if you – like me – want to be an educated voter (and you DEFINITELY should vote), but tend to get lost in the technical talk and other mumbo jumbo, this resource from The Skimm is a great tool for learning about the candidates, the issues, the questions, and the calendar.
I’ve been working my way through this course from Abby and Donnie Lawson as I write and prepare to launch my eBook. I’m not an affiliate for it or anything like that, but if you’re thinking of doing your own eBook project, I strongly recommend BookBoss. (Are you guys interested in learning more about my “book writing” process? Or no?)
Emily Ley released a new product this week – pens. I’m pretty committed to my favorite pens, but I do trust Emily Ley. Anyone tried them? (Speaking of EL, planners start MONDAY! I’m unreasonably happy.)
I’m obsessed with HoneyBee Tees new Back to School shirt.
Brickyard Buffalo is a running a special on one of my favorite gifts ever – i chart you Modern Genealogy Charts. We gave these to our parents a few years ago and have one for ourselves. I love it.
And there you have it. Have a great Saturday friends!
P.S. Don’t forget to enter the $100 Visa Giftcard giveaway going on on this post now!!
I LOVE Abby and Donnie’s books! Have you read Donnie’s “paperless” book – worth it!