Hand-lettering & photo via Otis & Millie
Whew. The first week (half week?) of school is in the books folks. I’m tired, and the busyness will take some getting used to, but my students are great, and my kiddos are happy to have Ms. Jennifer back regularly. All is right in the world. (Well, actually the world is a total mess these days… But you know what I mean.)
Today, my mom, and sister, and I are hosting a bridal shower for a sweet family friend who is getting married in October. (Tune in on Instagram for photos – it’s going to be pretty cute if I do say so myself!) Then, this evening, Jeff and I are planning to take the kids to a big outdoor event with food trucks, music, etc. downtown. What are your plans for the weekend?
I still have grand plans of blogging about my back to school wardrobe finds and what I’ve been reading lately; but, in the meantime, how about some Links & Likes?
I loved this week’s episode of the Sorta Awesome Podcast – all about books!! (I was especially interested in their – spoiler alert – negative reviews of Liana Moriarty’s new book Truly, Madly, Guilty. I started it last night anyway, so we’ll see…)
Of course I’m dying over this minivan parody video. So, so accurate.
And, you’ve probably already seen this one too, but I had a good laugh at these news anchors who lost it after an awkward interview with Ryan Lochte.
5 Women Try on the Same 10 Styles of Jeans – fun! (And great if you’re in the market for new jeans.)
Hmm… Have you heard of lifeguard parenting? What are your thoughts?
More ways to use your crockpot in the summer.
Great fall decorating ideas and inspiration. (Bring.on.FALL.)
My friend Brynn (she’s actually one of my old Young Life girls, and now she’s a teacher and a YL leader herself!!) did the adorable water-color lettering in the photo at the top of this post. She has some super cute stuff in her Etsy shop – Otis & Millie – and has the GREATEST Instagram account. I’d love if you’d check her out and support her with your likes (and your $$$).
I bought this dress last week and wore it to school on Thursday. I’d wear one of these every day (in a different color, of course) if I could. *And, meanwhile, Nora can wear one of these every day (please).
And since I clearly have a stripes problem, I’m loving this shirt right now too.
This seems like the perfect skirt for teachers (or anyone). It also comes in green, red, and black.
I’m loving the new Cat & Jack line at Target – Nora has this dress and I’m planning to go back for this one.
That’s all for today!
Have a great one!
P.S. I’m working on a newsletter to go out next week… Just a closer glimpse inside my home/family and my classroom. If you haven’t already signed up, you can do it here.
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