I’m working on a post that details all the reasons why, but <SPOILER ALERT> this has been the BEST school year I can remember in my 12 years of teaching. There are several factors that made it that way – of course – but, honestly, following teachers on Instagram (and shopping in their TPT stores) has been a HUGE part. Social media gets a bad rap, but this is just another example of how it can actually be a really, really great thing too!
Today, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, I thought I’d share TWELVE English-Language Arts teachers I’ve followed and learned from this year. I hope you’ll find a new friend from my list to add to your own feed, and I encourage you to leave your own favorites in the comments (as I’m sure I’ve missed some awesome ones)!
Without further adieu…












To ALL the great teachers out there, THANK YOU for the work you do. And thank you for sharing your ideas and inspiration!!! We’re all in this together!