Well, just when I started to think we were over winter and headed into spring, mother nature is throwing us for a loop with a big snow headed this way on Sunday… Regardless, a girl can still dream about spring (clothes) right?!?!
My birthday is at the end of the month which, I would argue, is the absolute BEST time to have a birthday because it means I can buy/gift myself some new clothes at Christmas for the start of the cold season AND buy/gift myself some new clothes at my birthday for the start of the warm season. I like it so much I arranged my daughter to be born at the end of March too. You’re welcome, Nora. 😉
Here are a few things (OK, a lot of things) I’ve been adding to my wish list lately (click the image to see the source/visit):
(Side Note: I have nearly made myself nuts trying to get the photos in this post to center align, and I cannot do it. If anyone has any tips, please send them my way!)

This also comes in black, and I want them both. Cotton shift dresses are my absolute favorite for summer – and the ruffle sleeve is everything.

I’m not a huge shorts fan – though I’ll wear them – so a good pair of white jeans are a summer MUST.

I keep seeing these, and I’ve resisted them for far too long. Wouldn’t they be so cute with white jeans?

Last summer, I wore a baseball cap on the beach almost every day… That hat needs a replacement, and this one looks perfect. I love that it’s “performance” so it won’t get so gross if it gets wet/sweaty too.
I’ll stop myself there for now! Obviously I won’t be purchasing all of these things (birthdays aren’t *that* big of a deal in our house), but it’s still fun to “window shop.” And, yes, I know I have a stripes and ruffles problem. 😉
What’s on your spring wish list?
I have yet to find the right pair of white jeans, but I really want one! Let me know if you have recommendations