This is kind-of a lame post, but I feel like I’m operating in survival mode right now (only 8 days of school left after today), I’m way behind on responding to comments etc. (I’m SORRY), and this seems like an easy way to get some of my thoughts out there quickly.
– I LOVED your responses to my post on Friday about having a “perfectly – imperfect” Christmas this year. It felt so good to know that some of you can relate to the pressure and expectation I put on myself during the holidays, and that I’m not the only one saying no to some things in favor of a simpler, sweeter season. Also, truth be told, publishing that on Friday and seeing some of your comments come in through my email on my phone over the weekend was a good reminder/accountability about how I spent my time on Saturday and Sunday. Sam and I both seemed to be “off” all weekend – just a little on the grumpy/emotional side – but we did manage to get our tree decorated (yay), visit Santa, take a little train ride with friends, squeeze in a date night, and nap, play games, and read lots of books. It was far from perfect (Sam spent most of Sunday in timeout), but it was good.
– Thank you also for showing up to answer my questions and offer some feedback on yesterday’s Wish List for Baby #2. Clearly the “Rock and Play Sleeper” is a MUST HAVE, and I’m looking into options for Sam with the Britax stroller… I’m honestly still not convinced that he will ride in a stroller long enough to make it worth investing in a double, but I’m considering a standing option (unfortunately the Britax one doesn’t have good reviews). Coincidentally, Solly Baby sent me a wrap to try out yesterday, so I’m excited to start practicing with that… It is SO soft and cozy feeling!! I will probably still use our old Baby Bjorn also – some of you mentioned that that is better when they are bigger and/or it gets warmer; but, I’m thrilled to have another option this time around (and determined to learn how to use it). And, finally, I didn’t include it on my list yesterday, but we will DEFINITELY be using a Wubbanub again with this baby. Sam LOVED his, and I did pretty much just as much!!
– I don’t think I’ve mentioned here yet that my sister-in-law is also pregnant – she’s due in June, and we are SUPER excited to raise our babies together!! Yesterday she sent me a message saying that she just bought the EXACT SAME diaper bag as the one I posted about for herself. We even both went with a simple “C” monogram. Isn’t that hilarious? We will just be cute as boots prancing around with our babies and matching bags (and we’re sure to give our mother-in-law a challenge to keep up with two babies and twin diaper bags), right? 😉
– If you are still looking for non-toy gift ideas for a little boy on your list, may I suggest you visit my very favorite Etsy shop Room to Romp? The shop has new gift sets (three “themed” shirts for $50.00) that I think are adorable. Sam has two Christmas shirts from there that we ordered last year and still love! Plus, she will exchange for free if sizing is not right, is great about customizing order, and the quality is TOP NOTCH. (FYI: Sandy and I worked together on my old blog; but, these days, I’m just a loyal fan with nothing to gain from singing her praises!)
– I’m sorry I haven’t written a worthwhile teaching post in a while. Those of you that are teachers understand that these weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are like the last miles of a marathon… It’s all I can to show up every day and engage my students… Look for more content in that area in the new year!!
– I started reading this book this weekend – so far so good. I really shouldn’t be reading a book right now, but I just can’t help myself… Plus, it was only $3.99 on Kindle. I think this author might be becoming one of my favorites (she also wrote What Alice Forgot).
– I just started listening to this podcast while doing some chores lately, and I can’t soak up all the good info fast enough. It makes me want to REALLY take my blog seriously (though that exhausts me a bit right now – as you can tell by this post).
Ok. Hope you all have a great Tuesday! More tomorrow…
808867 4160Hey! Great stuff, do tell us when you finally post something like this! 35747