Today, I’m welcoming Meghan to the blog to share a bit about how she “makes it work” as a working mom. Meghan and her husband and two sons (2 & 5) live in Harrisonburg, Virginia where she works in Human Resources at James Madison University. Here’s what she had to say…
1. What is your typical day like?
I am very fortunate to have a husband who believes in a 50/50 split on parenting. My husband works next door to our kids’ daycare so he usually takes the boys to & from school. He also gets home before I do, so he is usually cooking dinner when I get home! I will usually take the boys upstairs to our bedroom when I get home to give my husband quiet time. We will play in their toy room until dinner. Dinner time is challenging but we get through it. After dinner, I wash the dishes while dad & boys watch a little TV or play. When I am finished in the kitchen, we play outside or in the toy room until bath time. After baths, we will watch a little TV and drink milk until bedtime. My youngest gets a pre-bed story while my oldest gets a back scratching. (Thank goodness for good men!)
2. Why do you work?
I love my kids but I like having another identity than just being “mom”. For me, working outside of the home gives me that opportunity. I also love the 2nd income and what it allows us to do.
3. What’s the best thing about being a working mom? What’s the worst or hardest thing about it?
Best thing is having extra money to do fun things with the kids. The extra income affords us to not have to stretch every single dollar and have a little fun!
Worst is MOM GUILT! I hate that work sometimes mentally exhausts me and feel guilty that my husband is the cook in the house. I’m trying to get over this guilt but it’s hard.
4. What items or tips do you recommend to “make it work”?
1. Have a supportive partner! Parenting should be 50/50 with parents sharing the responsibilities. I had to step back over the past year & let my husband take over with the kids doctor’s appointments & sick days because he has more leave than I do. It was hard to let that go (I have control issues hehe) but I trust he does a great job. 2. Having a supportive boss is very important as well. My boss knows that my family comes first, always, and she is ok with that. (I’m blessed to have a great, family-friendly boss too. It makes SUCH a difference.) 3. Quality over quantity. Maximize the time you do have as a family. It may only be 3-4 hours a day but make it count. (YES!)
5. What encouragement, scripture, etc. has been important in your life and might be meaningful to another working mom?
My sister in law once told me “Only a good mom worries if they are a good mom” after I voiced concerns that I suffered from major mom guilt from working full time. I still have mom guilt, but that has helped me cope. And it’s ok if you are not the perfect Pinterest mom! Your child won’t care if you made cookies from scratch or from a tub. He’ll just remember the fun you had making them! (I couldn’t agree more! We love a good boxed cake mix at our house.)
Thanks Meghan – such good words!!
And, before you go, I just wanted to point you towards the Liberating Working Moms blog that I mentioned on Monday… I’m sharing some tips for when mom heads out of town over there today… And, I’m taking my own advice as I’ve snuck off for a long weekend with my college girlfriends in the South Carolina mountains to catch a football game and soak up quality girl-time for the next few days. By the time you read this, I will pretty much be in my own little version of heaven! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! (P.S. Are you going to see this? I CAN’T WAIT!)
Love those words “only a good mom worries that they are a good mom.” I will definitely carry that with me!
Thank you for including me! It’s funny you mention traveling at the end because my answers were a little abbreviated since I was sitting in a hotel in Texas on a work trip missing my boys! 🙂
I am loving this series! I am. Working mom pregnant with #2 and most days I wish I could stay home or at least work part time, its a real struggle for me. But, the reality is me working is good for my family and good for me. I need to embrace it. So glad to see examples of other ladies doing he same!