Two thousand fifteen will be remembered as the year we became a family of four. We spent lots of time together and made some amazing memories. In addition to welcoming our Nora girl in March, our first little nephew was born, my sister got married, Jeff and I celebrated our eighth anniversary, and Sam turned four. We traveled to the Outer Banks, took a family road trip around Virginia, saw my college girlfriends in NC, visited my dad in SC, and attended the VT vs. UVA game in Charlottesville to celebrate Emily & Bo’s engagement. It was a year marked by Nora’s bright smile and Sam’s wild spirit. It was messy, and full, and good. It was a year of big changes and some hard things for our family, but it was also redemptive in so many ways. Looking back, more than anything, 2015 is evidence that God is good, and I am so grateful.
Speaking of “the best,” here’s a little round up of my favorites of just about everything else… I’ve written about most of these things before, but I thought it would be fun to put them all in one spot here (almost like a 2015 time capsule). I tried to narrow each category down to the top three of my absolute favorites of the year (so hard) to keep it simple. So, shall we?
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
Books: (Sadly, not a big year of reading for me.)
Overwhelmed: How to Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time
Gilmore Girls (on Netflix)
Inside Out (sadly, I think this is the only one I saw in the theater all year)
UnREAL (embarrassingly)
Music: (Me and every 15 year old girl in the country 😉 )
“Uptown Funk!” / Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars
Voxer (#1)
Chatbooks (get your first book for FREE when you use my referral code: XLYVYRQJ)
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day (Basil)
*Bonus* My Favorite S&S Blog Posts of 2015:
Pros & Cons of Teaching for Moms
On Pumping and Bottle Feeding Shame
20 Things to Know Before Your First Year Teaching High School
And there you have it! What were your favorites of 2015?!?
P.S. I’m partnering with my friend Sarah of The Sarah R. Bagley blog & podcast in 2016 on a new monthly link-up: B+ Goals: Because Done Is Better than Perfect. Each month, Sarah and I will share a couple of goals we have for the month – some small, some bigger – and we will put in our best B+ effort. We’d love for you to join in and share your goals! It will kick off on Monday, and I’m excited to share some of my plans for January with you. Mark your calendar, start your post, and plan to join us then!!!
Love this list! I really need to start Chatbooks- thanks for the code! I posted my goals for this month already, but I’ll join in the link-up with you guys next week! Have a great weekend, friend!