Well, here we are… It’s back to “real life” today. Much more so than January 1st, today feels like the start of the new year to me. (Who starts a resolution on a Friday anyway?)
I admit, I have a lot of goals for the new year and January, specifically. I know it isn’t “trendy” to have new year’s resolutions, but I’m a sucker for a fresh start. I love the blank slate. I even love how empty and “white” my house is looking these days with all the Christmas decorations and glitter packed up until next year. A new year just brings so much potential for change… Sure, I realize that God may have other plans for me (2015, for example, was basically a bust in terms of my goals… Apparently I had forgotten how much energy it takes to have a newborn); but, I’m all about embracing the opportunity to re-evaluate, re-prioritize, and begin again.
So, what makes my goals B+?
Mainly, the fact that I am approaching them with an attitude of grace. If I don’t meet all my goals, it doesn’t mean I failed. Sarah and I are adopting the mantra “Because done is better than perfect” for 2016, and I love that.
In addition, in setting these goals, I tried to be realistic and honest with myself. In fact, after I wrote them out, I actually went back to delete a couple and make a few “smaller” (#1 and #3 for example). I’d like to be waking up at 5AM, getting eight hours of sleep every night, and exercising three or more times a week, but I want to take baby steps in the right direction. I also left some things off of this list intentionally – things like having people over for dinner, starting a book club, consistently going out with girlfriends, giving up caffeine etc. All of those things are good things, and I very much hope/intend to do them in 2016, but I don’t have to do everything right away. I’m going to use January as a month to “ease in” and see where February takes me.
So, below are my B+ goals for January 2016. I’m excited to share them with you for accountability and will recap my progress at the start of February. I’m also thrilled to be co-hosting the B+ Goals monthly series with my friend and blogger/podcaster Sarah R. Bagley. (Listen to the podcast I recorded with her about a year ago here for more on her B+ life.) We would LOVE for you to join us by sharing your goals and linking your post at the bottom of this page. (Or simply sharing in the comments if you don’t have a blog.)
*Edited: We abandoned the link-up feature for now and invite you to share and discuss in the comments instead!
And now, without further adieu…
January 2016 B+ Goals:
1. Wake up by 5:30AM and be at work by 7AM Monday thru Friday. Go to bed by 10:30PM Sunday thru Thursday.
2. Complete the She Reads Truth study on Genesis.
3. Exercise two times per week. We just joined our local Y which I am so excited about, and I got new running shoes for Christmas to motivate me. #stereotype
4. Drink 64 oz. of water every day.
5. Read James and the Giant Peach to Sam. I’m planning to work through this list of “Favorite First Novels” from Sarah Mackenzie of The Read Aloud Revival.
6. Organize kids’ clothes (closets and basement).
7. Fill in my Lara Casey PowerSheets for 2016. As I said above, I’m making January my month to ease into some big changes. I plan to take this whole month to, not only start changing some habits, but to also really think and write through my goals for the year. I splurged on these this year, and I’m excited to see how they help me stay organized and focused on what matters. Is anyone else using them?
And there you have it.
If you’re setting some “B+” goals this month, please share them in the link-up (or comments) below! Sarah and I are looking forward to this journey of “progress over perfection” with you!
Let’s do this!!
P.S. Did you see Friday’s post on all the bests of 2015? Check it out here!
I like the mantra! And I too will be easing into my resolutions
1. Start blogging again
2. Run 1/2 marathon before the end of the year
3. Wake up earlier
4. Read more
On that note, my son just watched James and the Giant Peach last night and loved it!
So MUCH YES. This is the exact attitude I need this year. #recoveringperfectionst
I’m with you on the water for sure! Especially with running and working out more. I think at this point I’d be sweating coffee and wine, ha!
I want to know how you’re using those power sheets…details!
I LOVE this! The funny thing is I am not a perfectionist at all and have always had this attitude that something is better than nothing and late is better than never LOL I love that you put it the way you did! I am definitely on board with the B+ life 🙂 My B+ Goals for January are:
1) No online purchases
2) Stay on the budget (My husband and I are trying Mint.com and have set financial goals for the year)
3) Eat at home at least 4 nights of the week
4) Be kinder and more loving in my speech to the people closest to me
I too am doing the SRT Genesis study! Hope that you are on track! 🙂 Last year I did a similar thing where I did goals/activities I wanted to accomplish each month. I lasted until I got pregnant! HA! 🙂 It’s such a great practice and a way to feel accomplished! Best wishes in 2016; I look forward to hearing how you do in Jan!
seriously, WHO starts a resolution on friday!? that was terrible timing, calendar!!
my resolution is to keep up with my photo project. week 2 and i’m already scrambling…