EDITED TO ADD: Nope, you haven’t missed any big announcements… I’m still pregnant. 🙂 I really thought I’d have a baby to introduce by the time I started this series today; but, alas, she has a mind of her own already!  I’ll keep you all updated!
This is a little guest post series I’ll be hosting with some of my favorite bloggers while I’m adjusting to life with a newborn (again). I asked each of them to share a quick list of four items: something they bought recently (or are currently shopping for), a hobby or trend they are experimenting with, a book (or blog) they are reading, and the TV show they never miss/most recent Netflix binge. Fun right?Â
Today’s list is from Anne Bogel from Modern Mrs. Darcy
When I sent out the email asking for guest post contributors, I kind-of threw Anne in there as a “long shot.” I’m a loyal Modern Mrs. Darcy fan, but I considered Anne “too big” to take time for something like this.  Luckily, I was totally wrong!! She sent back a sweet email with her four things and was so gracious about participating. Now I like her even more!!  (Btw, if you are a book-lover and aren’t following MMD, you NEED to be!)
Here’s what she’s…
Buying –Â Fiestaware. Â After ogling it for years, I’m finally collecting a rainbow of colors.
Trying –Â Road Biking
Reading – Still Alice by Lisa Genova.  I read this in 24 hours. I’m so glad I finished it while I was snowed in — not wearing mascara. (Note: Anne sent me this list a few weeks ago, so she’s read like 100 books since then, I’m sure.)
Watching –Â MasterChef Jr. Â After I told my blog readers I was watching Project Runway with my kids, they suggested we try MasterChef Jr. We’re enjoying it so much, and my kids now want to cook dinner every night.
Thanks Anne!
Wait…is the baby here?! DO YOU HAVE A BABY AND YOU AREN’T TELLING?
(Clearly I have passion issues…)
I followed Anne over here and I’m so glad you reached out to her (and that she decided to take part in your series)! 🙂
I’ve always had mixed feelings about Fiestaware. I think it’s fun and gorgoues, but I’m terrified that it will shatter into a million pieces if it ever drops! Keep us posted!
Bike rides are the best!
I just finished Maisie Dobbs because you recommended it! It was pretty good and I’m ready for some more of that series. 🙂
We’ve gotten hooked on Cut Throat Kitchen and let’s just say it has meant that I’ve had company in the kitchen too! No one has said they want to take over just yet, but they’re getting excited about cooking!
I’m excited to go poke around some more!
I registered for fiestaware and I am really excited to get some this summer! It is so bright and fun.