That sweet face was SO brave yesterday as he had his tonsils and adenoids taken out (and his second round of tubes put in). The surgery went well, and he is handling recovery like a champ so far. We plan to take it easy all weekend and eats lots of popsicles, pudding, and jello. I hope your weekend is equally relaxing and delicious -and slightly less full of pain meds and tears ;).
Here are a my weekly links and likes:
“Washing Students’ Feet” – What a beautiful reminder of why we do what we do.
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey’s episode with Retha Nichole this week is intense and powerful.
If you liked my blogging post this week, you might also find The College Prep’s “Updated Blogging Tips” helpful.
“9 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Live Simply” – I really like #2 and #7
*Bonus* I wanted to give a little shout out to a few new blogs I found this week from your comments on this post. Stop by and say hello to Rachel at Little Mama Bee, Anna at A Girl Defined, and Amanda at Living on Grace (not a new find for me, but definitely worth a visit from you) + check out Brittany’s new shop Peachy Parent for awesome parent and kid tees!
I started reading Sue Klebold’s new book about her son’s involvement in the Columbine shootings last night. I also watched her interview with Diane Sawyer a few weeks ago and heard her on the Fresh Air podcast. She is well spoken and somehow manages to strike a balance between love and dedication to her son and sorrow and grief over what he did. I’m not very far into the book yet, but so far it is terrifying, heartbreaking, and beautiful all at once. *P.S. In searching for this, I noticed that Dave Cullen’s book Columbine is on sale for $4.99 for Kindle + $3.99 for Whispersync right now if you’ve never read it. It’s a MUST READ for all parents and educators in my opinion. See why here.*
We’re playing with these a lot as Sam recovers this weekend.
Do you do an Easter basket for your kids? We have a pink one of these for Nora already, but I’m thinking about ordering this one for Sam to match.
Mark your calendar for Emily Ley’s spring cleaning sale on March 9th at 10AM – 25% off EVERYTHING. I have my eye on this and a new one of these.
Speaking of Emily Ley, she was wearing this scarf from Nickel & Suede in an IG photo last week, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Haha.
How awesome is Target’s new Pillowfort line? They are killing it with the kid/nursery stuff lately!
I’m also loving the new hats (crucial for my fair skinned boy) from Honeybee Tees.
And finally, is FULL of great deals for stylish mommas and/or teachers for spring this week – I’m deciding between one of these blazers, these classic tunic dresses, and this ruffle bottom floral sweater for myself.
And one more thing…
If you’re a teacher, don’t forget to sign up for Linda’s FREE WEBINAR on Classroom Management. The live session will be on Monday night at 8:45PM, but if you’re busy watching The Bachelor then, you can also sign up for the Classroom Management Mini-Course: 3 Days to Regain Control (also free) that can be completed any time!
Have a GREAT weekend!
*FYI, this post contains affiliate links. See my full disclosure in the sidebar, and THANK YOU for your support of this site! 🙂
Thanks for the shout-out! 🙂 Loved the link to “Washing Students’ Feet” – what a beautiful image and reminder. I needed that after this week.
Hey! Thanks for the shoutout! I love these posts… I have few blogs that post on the weekends so this one gives me plenty of reading
I may have ordered a bunch of Pillowfort stuff since we are in the process of re-doing the kids rooms – ha! It’s so darn cute!
Love the new blog design and as always, LOVE these links and likes posts! I am ordering 2 Easter baskets right now!
Thanks for the mention 🙂 I’ve been very, very, very sick for the past five days (as in, four days of fever, one trip to the hospital-type sick) and seeing this made me smile on an otherwise roooough day.