Good Monday morning to ya! I don’t know about where you are, but it was beautiful outside yesterday, and we’ve got the same weather on tap for today and tomorrow (which, coincidentally, also happen to be the days I’ve taken off of work to care for Sam). It may snow next week; but, for now, spring is in the air folks!
Spring always brings a fresh wave of energy my way, and March is one of my favorite months for pushing the re-set button on long lost new year’s resolutions as it is my birthday month and, now, Nora’s too. The end of March will mark 32 years of life for me (whoa), and a full year with my girl, and I’ve got big plans. 😉
But, before I get to those, here’s a quick recap of how I did on my February B+ goals:
- Bed by 10:30PM; wake-up by 5:30AM; and, seriously, get to work by 7. I was about 50/50 on this one. 😐
- Spend some quiet time journaling / praying / reading scripture at least 4 days a week. I’d say this one was accomplished. I’m loving the SRT study! 🙂
- Exercise at least two times per week. Try out some new classes at the gym. I exercised more this month, but still not 2x a week every week, and I didn’t get to any classes. 😐
- Buy a new water bottle and drink 64oz. of water every day. Did it, doing it (mostly). 🙂
- Read a new book to Sam. We finished Ralph and the Motorcycle Friday! I’m amazed at how much Sam comprehends and enjoys this. More than any other “habits,” I’ve started lately, I love reading to Sam the most. 🙂
- Organize kids’ clothes (closets & basement). I made some progress on this – including dropping items off for a local consignment sale – but I’m definitely not done organizing. 😐
- Re-design blog (YES! Coming soon!!) and post at least three times per week. Blog design done! Yay! Posting schedule – close enough. 🙂
- Send “First Quarter” blog newsletter. DID IT! (If you missed it, make sure you sign up here for the next one.) 🙂
- Set aside a Saturday morning to myself and fill in those dang Power Sheets. No comment. #maybenextyear 🙁
- Get in a habit of washing my face + applying moisturizer every morning and night. I was very consistent about washing my face every morning and using Nerium’s DAY cream, but I still only did the night routine about 30% of the time. 😐
Progress not perfection, right. 😉
Moving on…
March 2016 B+ Goals:
2. Finish the SRT Lent study.
3. Complete the 21-Day Fix. Yep, I’m doing it. It’s time. Day 1 is tomorrow. (If you’ve done it and have a success story and/or tips, I’d love to hear them!)
4. Plan and host Nora’s first birthday party. I can’t wait to share details!
5. Organize my closet and create a (modified) spring capsule wardrobe. (More on this to come.)
6. Schedule a Book Club for April or May. #babysteps
7. FINALLY finish the gallery wall in Sam’s room and replace / update photos in the rest of the house. (Most of them are the same pictures I put in frames when we first moved into this house eight years ago.)
8. Consistently wash my face and apply moisturizing cream AT NIGHT.
That should keep me plenty busy! Don’t forget to check out Sarah’s B+ goals on her blog too! May this be our best month yet!!
Have a great week!
I am so interested in capsule wardrobes- I feel like I read about them all the time & never actually do anything to my closet- whoops! Can’t wait to hear about yours- and Nora’s bday party!
We have a whole section of 21 day fix recipes and tips on the blog:
My tip: Be ok with eating a lot of the same thing at first. My first week I had the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch- then I only had to think about dinner. I made three different dinners and had leftovers the next night. Each week after that, I could add in new recipes, etc and know what I liked and what worked. And if you’re drinking Shakeology mix it up a little- add a different fruit or juice or whatever! It will make one of your “same meals” feel different! You are so organized- you’ll rock this!
I’m finishing my 21 day fix tomorrow and then will start a second round!!! I LOVE IT!!! Truly, it’s a lifestyle change more than anything else and I’m hooked. My biggest tip is don’t overthink the meal planning. Keep your meals simple so it’s not such a burden. I have two littles as well (2 and 1) and meal planning has always been a struggle but this has helped so much!! Hope you love it too!! I can’t wait to hear what you think. 🙂
Love the new blog design!! It looks great! And I can’t wait to hear what you think about the 21 day fix. Matt and I were just talking about it this weekend and wondering if we should give it a go. Can’t believe Nora is already turning ONE! Slow down time!!
I should find some new books to read to Kate! She’s really into chapter books (she gets them from the library at school). I was just wondering if she might be ready for something else. Maybe some Beverly Cleary?!
I used to be at work at approximately 7, but now I don’t leave the house until 7:20. We get my son out of bed at 7 and it breaks my heart to not see him before I go. And he always wants some snuggle time before I walk out the door. But boy, I sure do miss that prep time before my students walk in the door. It’s a hard balance to find.
The closer I get to Spring Break and the end of the year, the later I get to school. I work through my lunch, so I forgive myself if I am not there an hour before my required time. Can’t wait to hear about the birthday party. Fun times ahead for you and your family! It’s time for me to check my diet and get back on track. I will be interested in your 21 Day Fix journey. Have never heard of a capsule wardrobe…so glad I will be able to learn! Here’s to a productive March!
Since you mentioned reading James and the Giant Peach with Sam, I went to the library and got it and read it with David. He LOVED it. So I’m going to continue copying you and Ralph and the Motorcycle is next 😉 THANKS for the idea! i love the one-on-one time it gives me with him and everything he learns from longer stories. He also really, really loves it, much more than I would have anticipated.
Wow, I am way impressed that you drank so much water! I think I need to make this a goal for me. Also, last month I realized that we are bothe hosting monthly goal linkups now – ha! Is it weird if we link up our linkups to each other’s linkups? I will if you will. 😉
Book Club sounds exciting!
And I’m so sorry that my link appears 3 times :/ I’m not sure what happened! PLEASE feel free to delete two of them.
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