Sorry I’m late with this today girls, I’m actually writing from the beach (like, literally, my toes are in the sand right now) at my lifelong friend/God-sister Emily’s bachelorette weekend. My sister and I made the trip to Charleston after work yesterday and will head home tomorrow; so it’s a quick trip, but I wouldn’t miss it. Emily is one of the few friends I have that I’ve literally known since birth – she’s four years younger than me, so growing up I always kept her up on what was “cool.” Those roles switched several years ago as she has gone on to lead an exciting “professional” life in the city, and I’ve started driving a minivan and carrying apple sauce pouches in my purse, but she has always felt like family to me.
Anyway, I’m feeling very “32” right now. Check out my Instagram for pics of me looking awkward and pretending like I wear heels and stay out until after midnight regularly. 😉
In the meantime, here’s a short list of this week’s links & likes. Enjoy!
“No Need to Reply” – good advice from Tsh for creating mental space and freedom in our lives
How great is this Teachers’ Lounge Makeover from Young House Love?!?
“An Ode to Being Super Mom” – Week three back at school… I needed this reminder.
So many cute and funny mugs in this Etsy shop – I especially love the “Y’all Gonna Make Me Lose My Mind” one shown above.
An Instagram friend recommended a recipe from Table for Two Blog this week, so I checked it out and basically pinned everything on it. I’m hoping to try this for dinner next week. (P.S. If you aren’t following me on Pinterest, you totally should!)
It might be time for a new basic leather bag for me. I love this one!
Did you catch Emily Ley’s launch of her new Fall 2016 line this week? I love these cute icon stickers and all the new journals & notebooks. (Also, you can now have your Simplified Planner MONOGRAMMED!!)
I grabbed the goat cheese & beet Salad Savor to take to lunch with a big bowl of arugula this week. It was SO good.
If I hit the lottery, I’d buy this rug for Nora’s room tomorrow.
Ok, have a great Saturday!!! I’m off to curl my hair and apply lash extensions (KIDDING)!
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