Today is a big day for me!!! My eBook, The Stork Doesn’t Deliver Lesson Plans: A Teacher’s Guide to Maternity Leave & Beyond is officially finished and on sale now!!!
I had no idea that writing an eBook was so much work (#truth) OR that I had so much to say about teachers and maternity leave, but I am super proud of this thing and excited share it with pregnant/expecting teachers!!!
If you’ve been here for a while, you know my heart for both teaching and motherhood. I’m passionate about helping great teachers continue to be great teachers even as they become great moms too. It’s a challenge at times, but it is SO worth it.
My hope for this book is that it will be a wonderful tool to help new teacher-moms get started on the right foot with a well-planned and executed maternity leave and a smooth transition back into the classroom when the time comes. This is the book I wish someone had written for me, and it has every piece of advice and encouragement I’d share with my best teacher-friend down the hall if she asked!!
I’d LOVE if you’d join me in celebrating my launch today!!! Check out or click any of the images in this post for more details about the book / a link to buy AND please share it with anyone you think might be interested – colleagues, Facebook followers, etc. I want to get this in the hands of as many soon-to-be teacher-moms as possible!!!
THANK YOU for your support of this project and for giving me the grace to focus on it for the last few weeks -even at the expense of this blog some times. I’m excited to get back to regularly scheduled programming around here soon.
This is so cool! CONGRATULATIONS! 🙂 I will definitely be buying this for my fellow teachers when they announce their pregnancies. 🙂
SO proud of you! Congrats!
I am looking forward to sharing this with fellow co-workers when the time is right!