Oh hey there. (Insert monkey emoji covering eyes in embarrassment.) It appears that I haven’t been the best blogger this summer… It wasn’t really how I planned for things to go here, but I’m having a lot of fun and keeping my days plenty packed. I go back to work exactly one month from tomorrow – what?!? – so I’m sure I will get into some kind of writing routine again just in time for that. 😉
When that happens I have several things I want to blog about; but, in the meantime, here are some photos from Sam’s 5th birthday octopus pool party this past week…
We have a great “cake-lady” that made the cupcakes, my mother-in-law made that awesome giant octopus out of an exercise ball and pool noodles (which she cut with scissors into spirals), and our babysitter did the cute lettering for the bucket of “tentacles” (also pool noodles); so, basically, I did nothing but order the pizzas and show up wearing this cute octopus shirt. I’ve gotten pretty good at this whole “no stress party-throwing” thing. Ha! It was perfect.
It’s worth mentioning, however, the fact that someone puked in the pool 30 minutes before the party started and the entire thing had to be shocked/closed. That was not so perfect. Thankfully, five year olds are pretty happy just being allowed to run around and swing pool noodles at each other, so it all worked out.
I still can’t believe my boy is FIVE. Some of you have been following me since before he was born, so you know how crazy this is. It literally feels like two weeks ago that I was forcing that elephant wubbanub into his screaming little mouth and throwing Babywise at the wall. We’ve come a long way… He is funny and brave and smart and, frankly, I just enjoy him so much right now. I’ve told a few friends that I think we might just be approaching the magical age all mothers of babies and toddlers tell themselves WILL come eventually… Of course I’m only a few days in; but, so far, five is shaping up to be pretty darn good.
Also, this girl.
Moving on… How about some links and likes for this week?
Taylor Swift’s Motivational Speech – y’all, say what you want, but I adore her
“Simple and Natural Eyebrows” – am I the last one in the world to join the eyebrow party?!? I needed this tutorial from Kate.
“When You’re Still Searching for Your Parenting Gold Stars at the End of the Day” – yes yes yes!!!!
“Pokemon Go was an April Fool’s Joke before It Became a Huge Hit” – interesting (Are you playing? I’m not, but I’m intrigued by the craze.)
“Parenting Through the Culture of Worry” – the best thing I read this week
I just ordered this tunic from Modcloth, and I can’t wait to get it to wear with white jeans. (Make sure you look at the back!)
I’m super tempted to buy one of these large prints at SUCH a great price through Sunday on Brickyard Buffalo.
My favorite spot for kid’s t-shirts – Honeybee Tees – is having a big sale right now. Most of their short-sleeve designs are only $12.25 this week!
Sam got the new Osmo Coding game (he got the starter kit at Christmas) for his birthday, and it’s been a big hit.
Speaking of Christmas, every year I say I’m going to order one of these; but then I don’t want to spend the money in July and they sell out super fast. Maybe you won’t be as dumb as me.
We saw The Secret Life of Pets this week. Have you seen it? It was funny and cute, but I could have done without the “evil underground” part of the plot #itwasbasicallythewholeplot #Ijusewantedcuteanimalslivinglife
Jeff bought us two of these $10 Yeti knock-off cups by Ozark Trail from Walmart, and they are GOOD. I still have ice in it after several hours at the pool. (Did I mention they are only $10?!?)
OK, that ought to do it for now. We’re off to baby-shower some friends this afternoon and spend time at the hopefully-not-puked-in pool tomorrow. Have a great weekend!
Amanda K. says
love it! pinned and saved and can’t wait to throw a copycat octopus party in august! 🙂
also, we’ve been the kid to throw up in the pool before! sigh, so glad your crew took it in stride! happy birthday sam!