You guys, I’m going to blog again soon – I promise! BUT, I just don’t feel like I can go on writing about my simple little life without first acknowledging and addressing the events of the last week…
Things here are great – I’m planning Sam’s birthday party, working on an ebook, and spending lazy afternoons at the playground and pool – but I’m hurting for my black (and blue) brothers and sisters who don’t have the “privilege” of being able to go on with “regular life” right now. I, like many of you probably, don’t even have the words to express how disgusted I am by the violence, injustice, and hate that appears to be running rampant in our country. I am sad and angry and confused; but, also, I am hopeful that this will be the beginning of a time for change. I – as a white woman – am thinking and talking about race in a whole different way, I am looking at my children and praying for a future that is different for them, and I’m asking WHAT I can do to make that a reality. This hope doesn’t make the senseless deaths in Minneapolis, or Baton Rouge, or Dallas last week any less tragic and horrific; but, I’m vowing to not let them be in vain…
Though I can’t begin to put all my thoughts and feelings into words, I’ve read some wise and beautiful ones from others this week that have helped me make sense of the problems in our country and know how to respond with grace, love, and respect. So, in lieu of Links & Likes, I’m standing in solidarity with all those that are hurting today and sharing a few of the resources that have spoken to me in hopes that they will speak to your heart and mind as well.
“On Mothering White Sons to Know Black Lives Matter”
“A Unity Conversation” from IF:Gathering
The Liturgist Podcast: “Black and White Racism in America”
“I Don’t Know What to Do with Good White People”
“The Conversation We Must Have with Our White Children”
“Yes You Can Be Pro-Cop and Pro-Black Lives Matter”
“(Teaching) Tolerance Is Not Enough: A Letter to My Former Students”
“More Empathy Please” a video by Brene Brown
“It’s Time for You to SAY Something” a Facebook live video
“Resources I Find Helpful” on getting involved from Annie Downs
“A Beginners Guide to Becoming an Ally to the Black Community”
“10 Reasons I Don’t Want to Be Your White Ally”
“How to Talk to Your Kids about Prejudice with the Help of Our 12 Favorite Books”
Ok. There is SO much out there, but I’m stopping here…
On this Sunday morning, I’m praying for peace and reconciliation. To my black friends and readers: I see you, I love you, and I’m sorry.
P.S. I’m not perfect, and I’m sure – if you look hard enough – you’ll be able to find something you don’t like or disagree with in these articles. Please know that my heart is good and that the purpose of this post is to unify, to build up, and to love ALL PEOPLE. If you feel the need to express your disagreement with anything you’ve seen here, please do it with respect and kindness. Thanks!
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