Just a quick reminder to save the date for the first Mid-Month Confessions Blog Hop on Thursday, January 15th!
Simply write your own blog post sharing your “less than perfect” moments from the last month and then share your link at Teaching Sam & Scout or Notes from the Nelsens that morning. (Link-up will go live about 8AM on both blogs.) This is a perfect opportunity to meet some virtual friends who also have messy houses, dirty clothes, and an ability to laugh at themselves despite it all. (Don’t have a blog? You can still participate by sharing your confessions in the comments!)
Here’s a cute little button (designed by the wonderful Tricia Nae) you can use in your post if you want. (To grab it, just copy the code below the image and paste it into the html of your blog post. Only the image will show up in your post, and it will link directly back to the Mid-Month Confessions posts on my blog!
See you then!
Hi Elizabeth!
I’m visiting from Heather’s blog. I’m looking forward to Mid-Month Confessions and “meeting” you and other bloggy moms. 🙂